Showing posts under 'Marketing'

2021: The Year of Video02 Gray Flag

2021: The Year of Video

If you are looking for one way to make a difference in your marketing this year, go with video!

8 Simple Ways to Provide the Best Ecommerce Experience 02 Gray Flag

8 Simple Ways to Provide the Best Ecommerce Experience

Retailers are competing for the biggest piece of the ecommerce pie - our email inboxes tell that story well. But have we thought about what a top-notch customer experience in e-commerce looks like?

What Shoppers Need You To Know02 Gray Flag

What Shoppers Need You To Know

Holiday Shopping In 2020: A Top Ten List

We're giving you a sneak peek into the mind of an e-commerce shopper.

Reminder: Google My Business Is Still Important02 Gray Flag

Reminder: Google My Business Is Still Important

When was the last time you updated your GMB listing?

Come find out what's new for posts, why images are so important and how you can have peace of mind while eating turkey this year.

Hold On To That Visitor02 Gray Flag

Hold On To That Visitor

Four ways to make a good impression

You have 15 seconds or less to make an impression on a website. That means your headlines better be catchy, your images captivating, and your content easily digestible.

Marketing in 140 Characters02 Gray Flag

Marketing in 140 Characters

As described by the JH team

What is marketing? See the definitions provided by JH team members, done tweet style.

YouTube & COPPA02 Gray Flag

YouTube & COPPA

What Restricting Videos May Mean For You

YouTube has implemented new video designations to comply with COPPA. What does that mean for your video content and ads?

When Times Are Tough, Keep Advertising02 Gray Flag

When Times Are Tough, Keep Advertising

In this article, we are going to look at why it is important to keep marketing efforts up while the economy is down. We will also look at the importance of advertising online and how it is crucial in today’s environment.

Influencer Marketing02 Gray Flag

Influencer Marketing

Utilize Influencer Authority and Trust to Market Your Brand

With influencer marketing, you can utilize the trust and authority built by someone else to market your product to an audience in new ways.

Making Connections02 Gray Flag

Making Connections

Why LinkedIn Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

You should be marketing on LinkedIn. But avoid these three common mistakes.