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6 Strategies to Create Holiday Retail Success in 2022

6 Strategies to Create Holiday Retail Success in 2022

Since 2020 (and my last holiday ecommerce post), the world has had the most change in the shortest amount of time, ever.

If you’re a retailer of any type, you’ve had some of the biggest challenges out of any industry. You’ve learned to roll with it and look good in the process, but that doesn’t mean it has been easy!

I’m recognizing this vital industry today by sharing some common challenges, and potential solutions. Plus, I’ll provide a list of six simple strategies you can implement in Q4. We can’t control what is happening around us, but we can control how we respond.

Focus on what you can control rather than the outcomes you cannot.

Fact: Staffing retail stores is much more difficult today than ever, and this is impacting the retailer’s bottom line.

Solution: The average candidate today is using Google, social media, and your website to find employment opportunities. This can be solved by applying digital marketing for hiring campaigns, landing pages, and forms on your website. Bonus: Ecommerce fulfillment can typically be less time intensive when it comes to staffing appropriately.

Fact: Supply-chain issues galore, big economy woes, and big-box retailers canceling billions in orders are just some of the challenges plaguing retailers in 2022.

Solution: We know that since the pandemic began, shoppers have been buying much earlier than in previous years. 26% were shopping in June, so you can assume this number has significantly increased by September. If you are a retailer that supplies products in the “essentials” categories, you’re continuing to see strong growth. Although sales will soften, 2022 will be a momentous year with sales reaching 1 trillion. So, start your campaigns if you haven’t already – shoppers are doing their research!

Fact: According to recent retail reporting, online sales still only account for 15% of sales – up from 11% in 2019. With major cost-of-living increases, in-store sales will most likely decrease as shoppers try to save on transportation.

Solution: There’s increased demand and expectation that your store shows what’s in stock on your website. Pre-shopping activities are the norm, and when you’re displaying in-stock products on Google, your shopper’s ecommerce experience becomes the next level. Your website is going to get more visits and prove its worth.

6 Strategies for the Things You Can Control

Delivery person giving package to homeowner.

1. Delivery

Delivery availability has become the norm and expectation since the pandemic.  Lowe’s recent partnership with InstaCart speaks volumes about the need for this service. Even if you’re not sure you have the market for it, including this as a service will help your brand’s visibility and show value.

Black Friday shopper outside of store looking up business on Google

2. Shoppers Love Exclusivity

A simple page offering Black Friday early access, offering deals a few days early, or offering secured stock so they’re not chasing sold-out products, are great ways to give the VIP experience. Here are some tips on what shoppers should know this season to make a happy shopper!

Person in coffee shop on Google on laptop

3. Google Shopping

Using Google Shopping can help drive the shopper to your site and increase your brand visibility since nearly all searches begin with Google. Searches containing “near me in stock” have grown in the U.S by 90% YOY, according to Google.

Phone in hand with directions to business

4. Think Local – Like Your Customers

Your Google Business Profile is responsible for 70-80% of local conversions. Ensure your Google Business Profile is always optimized and updated (including images) will help your GBP listing and website to stand out. Read more about local SEO.

Shopper holding Christmas stockings for sale in store

5. Invest in SEO for Organic Traffic

Begin your holiday campaigns now. Reports show that over 42% of your potential customer base has started shopping well-before the start of the official “holiday season”. The earlier the investment,  the better the results.

Christmas shopping gift bags

6. The Self-Gifting Trend

Don’t forget about the self-gifting trend. (I call it treating yourself.) When your shoppers are buying for others, offer purchase opportunities for small, inexpensive gifts of delight to make the season brighter!

By starting today, and consistently applying one or more of these strategies, you’re guaranteeing success in your retail business in the holiday season and beyond.

The future is bright for eCommerce: if you’re excited about any of these ideas, or if any of it seems a little overwhelming, we’d love to chat since it is kind of our expertise! Email us at  info@jhspecialty.com