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Mobile Scroll

Mobile Scroll

Mobile search results are changing

Mobile search is getting a much improved enhancement according to Google's announcement. Drumroll please ...

say hello to continuous scrolling

Sounds kinda cool, but what does it mean?

When browsing search results on a mobile device, you'll no longer need to hit 'see more'; the next set of results will automatically load!

mobile continuous scroll

What are some benefits of this new feature?

1. This is great for any user who is searching for a variety of ideas or inspiration instead of just a fast answer. 

2. The continuous load gives the app experience of a social media site with what feels like never-ending information being displayed.

3. Because users don't realize they are moving to the next page of results, advertisers have more chances of showing up if they weren't on page 1 of typical search results. While no official announcement has been made at the time of writing this post, it's very likely that Google will redistribute ads throughout the results instead of the typical top and bottom of page that we've traditionally seen. 

4. Not only will more ads populate, but more organic results will be viewed by users. Meaning your site has a higher chance of being seen instead of hidden behind 3 or 4 "see more" button clicks.

Overall, this is a step towards making mobile search more modern and keeping up with what users want.