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Promo Products Work

Promo Products Work

A Brief History of Their Use

Advertising is an integral part of marketing a business. In today’s world, there are many ways to advertise and market your business. There’s social media, radio, tv, print – we are constantly being surrounded and influenced by ads. So what makes promotional products different than any other method of advertising? Let’s talk about it!

First, here is a brief history lesson for you so you can see just how long promotional products have been around for. I’m no history buff but this is actually pretty cool to know. The very first promotional product in the United States dates back to 1789 during the election of George Washington. His commemorative buttons that were given out during his campaign marked the beginning of the promotional product industry.

Presidential button

After that, in the late 1800s, a man named Jasper Meek introduced the idea of distributing promotional products. He later became known as the “father of promotional products” when he came up with the idea of distributing burlap book bags to local schools. He worked up a deal with the owner of a store called Cantwell Shoes where they’d provide the burlap bags, Meek would print their logo on them at his newspaper printing company and then distribute them to the local schools. In the end, Cantwell Shoes sales increased, Meek’s newspaper printing business thrived, and the children now had something to carry their books in – it was a win-win solution for all! This new distribution idea eventually led to the growth of manufacturers, associations, tradeshows, and ultimately the entire promotional product industry.

Promotional bag

So you’d think after over 2 centuries, an industry would eventually fizzle out or become outdated, right? Especially in today’s age where we rely on technology more than ever before, how would a promotional product compete with an advertising method that is in our face all day, every day like tv and social media? Well, it’s just that. The fact that a promotional product is something different, unique, and valuable is what keeps promotional products having an impressive lasting impact on end buyers. In fact, “8 out of 10 people say they like receiving promotional products” and “7 in 10 people wish they received promotional products more often.”

So why should your business include promotional products in your marketing strategy? Well, if knowing the facts that people truly enjoy receiving promotional products isn’t enough, I think these stats may persuade you. “85% of product recipients do business with the advertiser who gave them the item” and “88% of promotional product recipients remember the name of the advertiser on a product.” Those are just a couple of statistics showcasing impressive numbers that prove the lasting impact that a promotional item has for a brand on an end-user.

Overall, I think what’s most important is that you don’t focus on just one advertising method. You should include many advertising methods in your marketing strategy. However, you’d be missing out on a huge opportunity to enhance your brand, increase your reach, and ultimately grow your business by not including promotional products in your marketing strategy. I’m tellin’ ya, promo products really do work!



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American Marketing Association- Do Promo Products Work?