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Life After the Website Launch

Life After the Website Launch

Congratulations on launching your website! Do you have a plan for what happens next? While we love to build websites, a solid post-launch marketing plan is needed to ensure the success of your new website.

A digital marketing strategy allows you to target those people you want to visit your website and drive the business goals you have. Not every solution is the same, which is why we tailor each campaign to your goals.

We start by answering three questions:

  • What are your goals?
  • What are you looking to achieve? 
  • How are we going to drive the user to achieve those goals?

Once we understand your business' goals, those goals become our goals!

Our team goes through an evaluation or assessment to make sure we are on the right track. We factor in budget, target market, industry averages, and historical data to get a good idea of the landscape. This evaluation allows us and you to know if we can expect a positive ROI from this campaign. 

In the event this evaluation comes back low, we call a timeout and re-evaluate. Do we need to adjust the budget, targeting or some other setting to help increase the profitability from the campaign or do we need to pivot to a new strategy?

Once the strategy is defined we can begin building your campaign. Campaigns can come in many forms depending on your goals, these may include:

  • Google Ads
  • Social Media Posts
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Ads
  • Or some combination of these

Throughout the campaign we are tracking the valuable site actions that matter most - this could be anything from form submissions to ecommerce sales to viewing target pages. Tracking these metrics is key to refining our campaigns.

The best thing a business can do to ensure a successful campaign is open communication with their JH team. 

Are those leads turning into sales? Are the applications becoming new hires? Is your average sale increasing? 

By sharing these type of metrics means we can fully understand how a campaign is performing. We are only as good as the information we have. Our goal is to celebrate these wins with each and every one of our clients.

Ready to partner on a digital marketing campaign? Get started today by reaching out to an account manager to start the conversation.