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Marketing Lessons from the Election

Marketing Lessons from the Election

Learn about the marketing used in the election.

John Henry III, CEO/Founder of JH Specialty, provided insights into the utilization of technology in 2016 Presidential election in the Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly article “Marketing lessons from the election.”

When studying the marketing techniques used in past presidential election campaigns, it is obvious that technology continues to grow in significance. This year, instead of only utilizing social media to drive campaign success, candidates took technology one step further.

Candidates utilized the sophisticated connection between direct mail and digital advertising on a one-to-one basis to increase top-of-mind awareness. To elaborate, a candidate could purchase a mailing list for their desired precinct, and use the physical addresses to determine a corresponding constituent’s IP address. Therefore, the resident would not only receive direct mail, but also digital advertising through banner ads.

This strategy has proven case results showing that this technique can help sway voters, and ultimately help move a once unknown individual into office.

If this new technology can sway voters, imagine the impact it could have on driving consumers to your business. If you are interested in learning more about how this advanced technology could be applied to your business, contact JH Specialty today!

Read the full Business Weekly article here.