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JH Team Members & The Enneagram

JH Team Members & The Enneagram

We like to think of ourselves as a diverse group of individuals with various skills that come together to solve for our customers. But how different are we really from one another? Thankfully the enneagram helped us figure that out! Not sure what the enneagram is, read this for more details.

The majority of the office participated in taking an enneagram test and we were able to find at least one person to represent each number! One number was dominant amongst test takers, any guesses which one?

Representing the 1s - The Reformer

Alex Baker Header

"This type portrays me well as I hold myself to high standards and am always accountable of myself with anything I do. I am the type of person to go the extra mile to make sure my work is the best it can be. Being organized is also a trait that I exemplify. I like to set a schedule for each day with items I need to do, being organized makes my day flow better."

Other ones at JH: Harrison / Director of Digital Marketing, Shawn / Full Stack Web Developer

Representing the 2s - The Helper

Chris Bookmyer Header

"With a 2's personality, I am extremely patient and empathetic with people. For example, when training a co-worker on something new, my main goal is to put myself in their shoes, taking the time to break down the subject matter into more digestible sections. When questions come up, I take it as a sign to slow down, and convey the information more effectively (as well as give them an answer)."

Other twos at JH: Darren / Division Director

Representing the 3s - The Achiever

Morgan Lewis Header

"In my role, I am here to create relationships and help others, while keeping a safe atmosphere. I make it a personal goal to help uplift and motivate others to be their best self. I deeply strive to be successful in my role and in my career and I do that by continuously learning more things and being more knowledgeable in my work. I feel most satisfied in my role and career when I am able to help others, motivate them and be a positive influence in their lives. My goal at JH is to help push us to new, uncharted territories to promote growth in a healthy way."

Other threes at JH: Tyler / Account Manager, Abby / Program Manager, Allison / Director of Project Management, Carissa / Digital Marketing Specialist, John / Owner & CEO, Jason / COO, Chris P. / Account Manager, Tim D. / CTO

Representing the 4s - The Individualist

Griffin Kluth Header

"While it might appear oxymoronic to be an individualist in a collaborative work environment, my ability to be analytical and hyper-aware at times can be an essential part of my job. When working with others, I can navigate different personalities and perspectives with ease while also focusing on the big picture or end goal. For our clients, my self-reliance leads to increased persistence when it comes to communicating and moving the project forward, allowing for a coherent and consistent process that makes your experience with JH a positive one."

Representing the 5s - The Investigator

Evan Sauers Header

"Fives primarily focus on attaining knowledge while discovering new ideas to better understand their environment. Being a five as a designer allows me to observe and collect information through client meetings, research fundamental design principles, and explore ideas that might have been previously considered unexplored. As a dedicated lifelong learner, I have confidence going into every project by relying on organizational skills and a commitment to analyzing information into tangible ideas."

Other fives at JH: Justin / Senior Developer, Josh / Senior Web Designer

Representing the 6s - The Loyalist

Nick Barrow Header

"Type 6 is The Loyalist, which typically show the following traits: committed and security-oriented, engaging and responsible, while also being anxious and suspicious and, I could not agree more. Some of the questions that particularly stood out to me were ones about future planning and having a contingency plan should everything suddenly fail. I find myself CONSTANTLY planning for worst-case-scenario, no matter what the situation I always like to have some kind of backup plan should something disastrous happen. I feel this is a learned trait as a result of studying computer science as in my field, whether its a completely new project or a simple maintenance job, you must have a plan from start to finish and I always strive to do it in the most efficient and also effective way possible. I also see how the Loyalty and Security traits can tie into working with a team as well, as I always try to contribute my best to a project and constantly rely on others both for guidance and good examples. I definitely get most anxious in unfamiliar scenarios and like to have some kind of security to lean back on to ease that anxiety. At JH, it's James. James is my mental security net."

Other sixes at JH: Katheryn / Graphic Artist, Stuart / Warehouse Specialist, Eri / Project Manager

Representing the 7s - The Enthusiast

Sarah Englert Header

"Sevens are enthusiastic and eager to learn as much in life as they possibly can. As it relates to my role as project manager, I am always on the hunt to learn about new products and techniques that will excite my clients. I relish in using my spontaneity and creative side when tasked with a new project yielding a positive experience for all involved."

Representing the 8s - The Challenger

Jared Winteregg Header

"As an eight I like to prepare for most scenarios before a meeting. I have multiple items up that I think the member would want to discuss and prepare myself for a few talking points I think they'll want to go over."

Other eights at JH: Guy / Digital Product Specialist, Nate / Project Manager, Brad / Director of Accounting

Representing the 9s - The Peacemaker

Chris Campbell Header

"Working with both business and development teams it’s helpful to be receptive of challenges, ideas and solutions from both sides and working to help align those into a working outcome. Being open-minded has also been extremely helpful in considering alternative solutions and being able to look at things from multiple perspectives. Unfortunately, surprises happen and things don’t always go as planned, in those times the ability to remain calm and help others remain calm makes it easier to get things back on track and moving forward."

Did you guess we had so many threes in the office? Join the conversation on Facebook or Instagram and tell us which number you are!